The Kirk Session & Boards

The Kirk Session & Boards


Our Kirk Session, made up of the elders in the Church and guided by our Minister and Session Clerk, meets nominally 4 times annually.

Church members and members of the public can attend these meetings but do not have a vote and may on occasion be asked to step out of the meeting if a confidential or sensitive matter is being discussed.

Two Boards report to the Kirk Session. These Boards will plan and make recommendations to the Kirk Session on how the Five Marks of Mission will be met through its activities.

Board of Mission 

  • Communication 
  • Education and Youth
  • Fellowship
  • Mission and Outreach 
  • Pastoral Care
  • Worship

Board of Management

  • Facilities Management
  • People and Compliance
  • Property and Grounds
  • Stewardship and Finance
  • Eco Congregation